The Meaning of Cowrie Shells

Cowrie shells have long since made their way to the western world most notably in modern fashion as a symbol of Afrocentric style and culture. But how many people rocking cowry necklaces and earrings know of the historical and spiritual significance and symbolism?

Cowrie shells are small, ivory colored, oval shaped seashells with a protruding back on one side and a long, vertical, ridged opening on the other. They are derived from the oceans around Africa and Asia and for centuries have been used across the African continent as currency for trade. In fact, to this day, the translation for “cowrie” in the main local language is what some countries in Africa still call their national currency. Hence, it has a correlation to money and wealth.

In Yoruba traditional spirituality, it is not by chance that cowries are most notably associated with Ajé Olokun, the oriṣa of the ocean and the owner of wealth and abundance, since cowries also come from the ocean. However, many oriṣa such as Ọṣun, Ọbàtálá, Yemọja, Ọbàluaye, and Ṣango are also associated with cowries and the energy of prosperity and royalty.

In fact, in addition to being a symbol for money and high status, it is also a symbol for wisdom and beauty. As a divination tool first owned by Ọṣun, the oriṣa of sweet waters (beauty, femininity, and fertility), sixteen of these cowries are consecrated and used to speak the messages of wisdom from oriṣa to advise one on life’s issues and/or solve one’s problems. The anthropomorphism of its vertical, ridged opening depicts a mouth with teeth speaking sacred, divine knowledge to seekers.

On the other hand, the protruding backside and the vertical opening on the other also likens to the female genitalia and/or a pregnant belly, making it also a symbol of creative femininity, reproduction, and beauty. Throughout Africa, you will often see women from all walks of life adorn themselves with cowries in their hair, on their clothing, on their bodies via beautiful earrings, necklaces, waist beads, bracelets and anklets for fashion and style. But these shells also represent an esoteric beauty particularly by daughters of Olokun, Ọṣun, and Yemọja, and others who use cowries to show their affinity with the sacred, healing powers of the water; wealth and abundance; and the feminine wisdom they represent.

Now that you know the symbolism of cowrie shells, check out our jewelry items and hair accessories decorated with cowries to accentuate your own prosperity, beauty, style, and wisdom.


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