Creating Your Reality

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Right? This is a cliché that we all have heard a thousand times. While we know it makes sense, when you're stuck in the eye of the storm, sometimes it's hard to move out of it and know just how to make that lemonade.

Basically, when we get caught up in our feelings and see our immediate world through our failures and inadequacies or lack of money, health, love, or whatever else it is that we tell ourselves that we don't have enough of; we have to first understand that we are not powerless in our reality. Most of us don't even begin to realize the extent of our own spiritual power, divinity, or ase* within.

Think about how you currently see the world around you. Then, figuratively, tilt your head to the side and try seeing it from a whole new perspective. You choose how you want to look at life and what its realistic expectations are through your own thoughts and reactions.

Here are a few practical things you can do to begin to start changing your reality to be more positive and attract the life that you want.

1. Accept and embrace the lessons of the past.

You may have gone through some really tough and even unbearable challenges in the past. But progress only comes when we are able to move on from them and leave the emotions from these experiences behind since nothing can be done to change outcomes. It's important to not repress, but go through our feelings of anger, sadness, or fear; but only for the purpose of leading us to learn more about ourselves through those feelings and then using this as a life lesson to grow from. Then we must let these truths help us to let go and move on. You cannot be present in your life if you are always holding on to the past, or already dooming your future because of holding on to past experiences. This will leave you stuck in a negative space and continue a cycle of negative energy around you, prohibiting you from rising up from the ashes into a new and better reality. Love yourself enough to move forward.

2. Do guided meditations.

First try to clear and quiet your mind and detach yourself from worries, physical pains, phobias, and negative feelings by acknowledging them and then consciously releasing them and then focusing on the present. Once you're able to successfully do this, you can start to call upon contentment, healing, peace, love and security. Instead of the negative thoughts you'll be able to pay attention to lessons learned, solutions, inner wisdom that will start to automatically come to you.

3. Use your imagination and dream about the life you want to live.

Just like when you were a kid and you had superhero or fairytale fantasies that no one could convince you wouldn't be true some day, take a few minutes each day to allow yourself the indulgence of daydreaming. It will help you to tap into your subconscious and hear your inner voice, your ori*, which guides you.

4. Do positive visualization.

Everything in existence began with a thought. Thoughts and emotions are energy and carry their own vibrations (higher/positive or lower/negative). By the universal law of attraction, we attract the things that resonate with our own energetic vibrations whether we know it or not.  Visualize in your mind what abundance, success, a loving relationship, a fulfilling job, or whatever it is that would make your life happy. Visualize it in detail and see yourself already living that life.

Surround yourself with the things that lift your spirits and raise your energy vibration. When you have a positive attitude, you can easier entertain pleasant feelings and constructive images, and see in your mind’s eye what you really want to happen.

5. Pray

Use the power of ofo ase* to direct your intentions to whatever spiritual forces you believe in and verbally, out loud, tell the universe, God, Orisa, or cosmic energy around you, what you need. Be specific and as you speak it, believe it is already coming to you.

It's not enough to just make a wish and hope it might come true. Put both your positive thoughts and emotions behind what you want and what you know intuitively is your destiny.

6. Say positive affirmations.

Faith and confidence are sometimes hard. But once you're able to visualize what you want in your mind's eye, then claim and affirm it regularly with statements of confidence in the positive. Command it from the universe and own it. Know that it already exists for you. The universe always gives you what you put out. You cannot ask for one thing but then your energy only reflects the opposite (doubt, lack, fear, insecurity). The universe will keep on giving you that insecurity, fear, doubt, etc because that's the energy you stay in even though you asked for something else.

Repeatedly say out loud to yourself statements like: I am powerful. I have abundance. I have everything I need in my life to be happy. I am wise. I have love. I am loving. I have no fear. I receive that {insert specific job/amount of raise/healing/etc.}. Money/love comes to me effortlessly. I deserve to be happy. I am peace. I give and receive compassion. I am qualified and successful with everything I do. I am grateful.

Saying affirmations may sound a bit corny and cliché, but they really do work and help to reprogram the mind from former negative thinking.

There is a spiritual saying that goes "as above, so below" which basically expresses the idea that your paradise or heaven will eventually come to pass for you on earth. All you have to do is ask for it. What you are able to consistently visualize with your thoughts and with your intuition, you will manifest in reality as it has already been created by you. Once you internalize your happiness, you'll be able to better know what to do to take the actions needed to externalize and manifest your happiness, let alone attract the opportunities that will open up for you. You'll only see these opportunities as positive, if you have already changed your perspective to an energetically corresponding one.

There is an unseen connection between Spirit-Mind-Body. The three parts should be on one accord and on the same frequency. You must do the work to balance your Spirit (energy, emotions) with your Mind (thoughts, wisdom) which will automatically result in the Body (health, wellness, ability) and on the physical plane. Feed your spirit by raising your energetic vibration and change your thoughts to manifest health, abundance, love, and opportunity into your present physical reality.

Watch your thoughts, they become words.

Watch your words, they become actions.

Watch your actions, they become habits.

Watch your habits, they become your character.

Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

Try our Come to Me body oil to support your meditation to visualize what you desire and to attract it to you,

*ase (pronounced ah-SHEH) in the Yoruba language describes the power of the life force essence in all living things that is the base of existence.

*ori (pronounced oh-REE) is your personal divinity or higher self that guides your destiny according to the spiritual tradition of the Yoruba people.

*ofo ase (pronounced uh-fuh ah-SHEH) is the concept within the spiritual tradition of the Yoruba that is the powerful energetic vibrations of the spoken word.


Listening to Your Inner Voice


Manifesting Abundance